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Friday 9 August 2013

Introduce My Self!

Hello guys, good morning.
And good morning Mrs. Atik. How are you today?

Mrs. Atik thank you for the opportunity given to me. And now I want to introduce my self. My name is Ari Hatanti. The spell is ARI HATANTI. Emm, anybody can repeat my spell name? Put your hands up if you want to spell it. Oke, i want to choose. You (****), repeat my spell name please! xD
So,  my name is Ari Hatanti. Not Ari Hartanti, Ari Hatati, or Ari Hantati. Because, it is often wrong in writing or pronouncation of my name. Fiuhh -_-'' And you can call  me Ari. Because Ari is simple. Just three letters. Hahaha ^^
I was born in Sragen July 13th 1998. So now I'm 15th years old. I was graduated from TK MTA Gemolong, SD N Gemolong 1, and SMP N 1 Gemolong. Now, I study at SMA N 1 Gemolong in TSO tenscione or X IPA 1.
I wear glasses since I was in grade VIII. My eyes minus 1.25. Hikshik i'm sad :(
I live with my little family. I live with my parents and my sister who loving me. I live in Klentang, Gemolong. My house is not to far from here. Its about 1.500 meter. Hehe :D
My father is Sutanto. My mother is Siti Prihatin. I have one sister, her name is Kapriati Utami. Now, she study at Semarang State University. So many people say, if we have same face. -_-''
My hobby are singing, listening murotal, phothography, editing photos, and the last i like browsing internet. My favorite singer is Maher Zain. Because he has good voice, handsome, and his song tells about islamic. My favorite song of Maher Zain is Insya Allah. I like it I like it I like it ({})
Because my hobby is singing, I want to sing for you. Listen carefully, because the lyric is very nice!

Everytime you can make one more mistakes.
You feel you can repent and that its way too late.
Its so confused wrong disillusion you have made.
Haunt your mine and you heart is full of shame.
Don't despair and never loose hope.
Cause Allah is always by your side.
Insya Allah Insya Allah.
Insya Allah you find the way.

What do you think about my voice friends? Hihihi :3 So, we dont give up. Laa Tahzan Inalloha Ma'ana. Don't be sad because Allah is always beside us :)
I always given motivation from my parents and my sister. So, I always fighting to study hard and pray hard. Because I relly want to be a profesional doctor. I want to  make my family proud of me.
I have some socmed or social  media. Don't forget to add my facebook "Ari Hatanti", and follow me on twitter @ariha_137.
So, until here introduce my self. Any question about my self? Oke, i hope it very interesting. I'm so sorry for all my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention. See you next time and bye byeeee. ({})

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